joi, 13 octombrie 2011


Cand eram mica, 5-6 ani, visam candva sa imbrac rochia de mireasa...a urmat delegatia parintilor in URSS...i-am rugat sa imi aduca o papusa mi-au adus-o. De atunci, am sperat ca intr-o zi si eu voi fi la fel de stralucitoare, magica...poate chiar MAI decat papusa mea. A venit perioada m-am indragostit de un Chip angelic, un Chip ce exprima numai inocenta, contrar varstei pe care o avea...dar avea suflet de copil si se oglindea pe chip. Ani la rand am visat impreuna cu acel Chip, am dormit impreuna cu acel Chip...toata viata mea gravita in jurul lui...era ratiunea mea de a merge mai departe, imi dadea speranta in lume, incredere in realizarea tuturor viselor. Au venit anii de liceu (cu durere in suflet si voce gatuita spun ca regret terminarea scolii generale...a fost ca o prapastie in care am cazut...sus a ramas copilaria nealterata, nevinovata, cu vise, iar jos, pe fundul prapastiei, unde am aterizat, SOCIETATEA, care nu este deloc prietenoasa...este o jungla) si m-am lasat prada iubirii pamantesti (ma intreb si astazi DE CE, caci iubirea abstracta nu ma dezamagise, nu imi provocase rani, nu ma parasise...creasem universul...lumea noastra...dansam si cantam, cantam si jucam...). Au urmat ani de chin, tortura, dezamagiri, siroaie de lacrimi, suspine, nopti nedormite, regrete, frustrari...tot ce este mai greu de suportat si te transforma intr-un introvertit. In toti acesti ani alinarea a fost prietena mea de suflet (nasa copilului meu, un Inger...alaturi de care am zidit o prietenie solida, la baza careia sta increderea, respectul si iubirea eterna, sincera) si familia. Nu mi-am uitat Chipul, am continuat sa il iubesc, dar am incercat sa traiesc si alta iubire (inexistenta urma sa aflu cu durere ani mai tarziu)...a fost un fel de Peter Pan, iar eu Wendy, care a parasit Neverland pentru lumea ei...dar tot in Neverland s-a intors. Pana in iunie 2009 eram pierduta in aceasta lume, nu mai gaseam nicio cale sa ies, sa ma intorc la viata mea dinainte de liceu...m-a trezit din acest cosmar un alt cosmar...pierdera prematura, brusca a chipului de care m-am indragostit in copilarie. M-a izbit ca un fulger...a fost un fulger care mi-a patruns in adancul sufletului si nimic nu il mai poate alunga de acolo. Am varsat lacrimi, dar acestea au fost singurele lacrimi care au meritat fi varsate...acestea sunt persoanele pentru care lacrimile sunt facute....persoanele care iti ating sufletul si iti fac viata frumoasa fara nicio atingere fizica...doar prin muzica...prin chipul angelic si ceea ce transmite acesta. M-am intors in lumea mea si a lui, unde iernile vin cu saniuta trasa prin zapada, un ceai cald cu turta dulce, o ciocolata calda, candies si cookies, Mos Craciun cu Rudolf, renul cu nas rosu...verile vin cu plimbari in parc, baloane inaltate spre cer, flori culese pentru Mammy, o prajitura si o inghetata la cofetarie...toate invaluite in muZica, dans si L.O.V.E. In aceasta lume, pe 14 august 2010, a venit fetita mea, little sunshine, my daytime, my night life. Cel care mi-a facut aceasta bucurie este al doilea barbat pentru care vars lacrimi, de aceasta data de fericire si multumire...mi-a implinit unul din visele copilariei (cel de a imbraca rochia de mireasa a fost incuiat intr-un cufar, unde se va asterne peste el eternitatea). Te vei intreba cum asa, daca exista acest barbat ce mi-a daruit un copil!!!!!! Este viata mea privata, unde nu te mai las sa patrunzi, unde este numai magie...iti spun doar ca este prima decizie luata corect in viata, pe care nu o voi regreta, caci ne va aduce (mie, Chipului, parintilor & Co, lui Bonnie si lui Mary) numai happiness si L.O.V.E...iubire frumoasa, sincera, eterna.

joi, 15 septembrie 2011

My dream, by Mariolina

May was a little girl. She lived in a small country village wher everyone loved her, but deep inside she felt very lonely and sad. That particular mood always followed her, even when she was with her family, her friends or her favourite Teddy Bear.

But one morning, on her way to school, something very important happened to her. For the first time in her life, she heard some lyrics that she would never forget. To the rhythm of that wonderful lyrics, a little boy was singing.

His name was Michael and his voice was so sweet and magic that all of a sudden she was overwhelmed with joy. She felt like she was floating on a cloud and she totally forgot her sadness.

The more she listened to that voice, the more she loved it. She would have done everything just to get to meet that little boy, just to tell him how much he meant to her.

Actually, he rescued her; he had saved her from loneliness and sadness without knowing her. And that was amazing!

Years went by, they both grew up and May never had the chance to meet Michael, but a particular, strong connection seemed to exist between them, to bond them. She always felt as if he was there for her, giving her strength and inspiring her life through his music and his message of love.

Then, a very sad day came.

All of a sudden, May's heart began to ache, feeling weak and tired and she realized that something bad was about to happen.

Overtaken by fear and anxiety, she closed her eyes for a short moment and, when she opened them, Michael was no longer there. She was shocked, filled with despair, pain. She couldn't believe it was true, she couldn't believe he was gone...she stood still for a long time and then she started to cry bitterly. Her heart was so heavy, her face full of tears and, in an attempt to fight despair, she closed her eyes again.

In that very moment, the dream began.

Michael was there smiling at her: that sweet, wonderful smile she knew so well. At first, she didn't know what to do, but shortly after, she took strength and slowly walked towards him. She felt shy, but confident at the same time.

Michael? Is this really you???? - she asked in a low, trembling voice. I've been waiting for this moment all my life now. I just want to say that...that I...I love...

I love you more - he continued slowly, holding her in his arms.

Oh...I just... - she was deeply touched, moved, but went on - I just wanted to tell you that...that I have a dream...

I know your dream - he whispered - because your dream is mine...

Her eyes burst into tears again, but this time she was jubilant as she realized that Michael was there, that he never really left her.

When she woke up the next morning, a huge bag full of love was waiting for her on the floor, next to her bed.

She was so glad and grateful that she decided to share the gift with all the chidren of the Planet, especially the sad and lonely ones.

Calling everyone by name, she gathered them all together and started bestowing warm hugs, lovely kisses and sweet smiles.

A rainbow was in the sky, laughs and cheerful voices were all around and she imagined that world as the world to come.
